well....what ever happen...it has to come to end rite?
maybe its already the end....
u move that way...i move this way.....i didnt expect it to happen this way...
since there is no way out, the only solution, u guys forget it n move ur own way...
easier rite? dont u think so...?
u wont cause trouble for each other..
aish.....after writing a blog super super long for u guys..
also x jadi...xlaku...
nvm la..i leave it to u guys...whatever u wanna do with that relationship we use to have,
up to u .... im just merely a part of that friendship dumped over here..
i wanted to be there so badly... ..then maybe it dont have to be this way...jeeez...
i dont wanna think about it, but my brain wont leave it alone...haiz...!!!!
nvm la...as time passes..who knows...i;ll be the first to forget...
lately, i seem to be walking to class alone..jeez...sounds pathetic rite?
haiz....this happen when u r forced to start new....
i accept the fact that i have to do it..
its kinda depressing though to be walking alone in the big area accompanied by sad music..aish!
why am i complaining ehh?
so that i can express what i felt n feel relieve after that...
english class is making me frustrated...
u damn team mates...
i did all the summary fuckingly alone..n have sleepless night thiking how to complete it..
when u guys can go skiiping around having fun...
when the lect ask, did all these guys contribute?
i was like...yes, they did....cuz u stupid ppl are standing next to me!
but im not satisfied...! after u guys went out...haha..too bad...ur gone, babe...
definitely gone for life...
haiz...then maybe later also i gone...aish...
atleast, there is still some fren whom is willing to talk to me...
peaced out