One Heart..One Love..One Hope..

One Heart..One Love..One Hope..

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


salmon was juz swimmin by when the gold fish spotted her..
the gold fish cared for salmon.. n salmon was kinda happy..
salmon was never true to her feelings..
salmon was waitin for the right time..
gold fish maybe was concern bout salmon's feeling..
but salmon never tell..
after a couple of month passes by..
salmon realised gold fish has already have a black fish by it side..
salmon knew gold fish was tired of waitin..
gold fish even gave black fish an unique coral..
so..salmon juz have to let go..
salmon knew black fish was the right one for gold fish..
because black n gold suits perfectly..
salmon was now invincible among the other fishes...
gold fish was no more eyeing salmon..
salmon have no choice but to be invicible again....
salmon have no choice but to let go...

u once saw it and wanted it..
u took care of it for quite some time..
then u got tired of it...
and u break it..
and now i have to put it back together..alone..
if u know u gonna break it one day..
why do u desire it at first?
why cant u juz leave it alone..
puttin the pieces back together is not easy..
because ur not duin it..i am..
it was perfect at the beginin..
strong n tough...
n now its broken...puttin it together makes it weaker..
cracks line is one every single surface of it..
u wanted it...but now..
why break it...? why...

peaced out

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